Columbus Downtown Development Corp-Wisconsin

Columbus, Wisconsin Downtown and area

Holiday Parade Columbus Wisconsin

If your business has a car truck or you have a trailer that you can load your product or equipment on a trailer drive it in the parade! We have new lights and holiday decorations the community is excited about these and your company. Show community pride. Hope to see you there.

Holiday Parade Columbus Wisconsin Friday, November 29, 2019,

The lineup is 6 PM at the Columbus Elementary School on Fuller  Street.

The parade starts at 6:30 PM.

Applications are due Monday, November 25, 2019 to be featured in digital media.  Early registration encouraged but not necessay all partcipants must arrive at 6 PM to be entered.

Applications can be downloaded filled out online emailed or Facebook messaged back.

2019 Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting from Columbus Wisconsin on Vimeo.

Video Compliments of the City of Columbus, Wisconsin Media Coordinator